Please report absences and appointments using your Skyward Family Access Account or by calling (217) 586-5833 by 9:00 am for Kindergarten and AM Pre-K and by 1:00 pm for PM Pre-K
Please do not call upon arrival at the school or on your way to the school to pick-up your student unless it is an emergency or last minute appointment.
How to submit an Absence Notification Request via Skyward Family Access
Go to:
Select “Parent Connect” on the left side of the page
Enter your Login and Password
Once you are logged in: Select “Attendance” from the list on the left side of the page
Select “Enter Absence Request” at the top/center of the page
Select “Add Request” on the top/right side above the correct student
(if you have more than one student in the district, be sure to select the correct student)
Enter in the Start and End Date/Time of Absence
Select a “Reason” from the drop down menu
Add any comments to explain the absence.
Select “Save”
If you need to make a special change to your student’s transportation home, please try to notify the office at least 60 minutes prior to dismissal that day.
AM Pre-K 10:00am (dismiss at 11:00am)
Kindergarten & PM Pre-K 1:50pm (dismiss at 2:50pm)