Please report absences and appointments using your Skyward Family Access Account or by calling (217) 586-5833 by 9:00 am for Kindergarten and AM Pre-K and by 1:00 pm for PM Pre-K

Please do not call upon arrival at the school or on your way to the school to pick-up your student unless it is an emergency or last minute appointment.

How to submit an Absence Notification Request via Skyward Family Access

  1. Go to:

  2. Select “Parent Connect” on the left side of the page

  3. Enter your Login and Password

  4. Once you are logged in: Select “Attendance” from the list on the left side of the page

  5. Select “Enter Absence Request” at the top/center of the page

  6. Select “Add Request” on the top/right side above the correct student

  7. (if you have more than one student in the district, be sure to select the correct student)

  8. Enter in the Start and End Date/Time of Absence

  9. Select a “Reason” from the drop down menu

  10. Add any comments to explain the absence.

  11. Select “Save

If you need to make a special change to your student’s transportation home, please try to notify the office at least 60 minutes prior to dismissal that day.

AM Pre-K 10:00am (dismiss at 11:00am)

Kindergarten & PM Pre-K 1:50pm (dismiss at 2:50pm)