Students in 5th hour health class getting to explore the anatomy of the respiratory system. They were able to touch real pig lungs and the trachea, very similar to human anatomy. The discussion today revolved around choices related to keeping the respiratory system healthy.

Changes coming to Homecoming Week at Mahomet-Seymour High School as the annual Homecoming Parade moves to Wednesday.

Earth Science skyping with, Mahomet alum and current MIT PhD. Candidate, Michael Campion about renewable energy sources last Friday.

Pound, Volleyball, Basketball, and Balloon Tag before the SAT to help our Juniors get their brains engaged before the big test!

The High School Horticulture Class invites you to join them for a DIY Fairy Garden Class on April 24th. See flyer for details.

Check out the Physical Education Polar Heart Rate video created by Mr. Anderson's Digital Multimedia class. https://youtu.be/-2vDHw1sZT8

Construction students display their completed table projects. #lookwhatImade

Beauty And The Beast tickets go on sale to the public starting 3/16. Visit www.mshsdrama.booktix.com Don't delay!

Final stages for this custom farmhouse table project.

Students in Health Education learn how to use the life-saving AED with the new trainer machine. This machine was donated to us by the Mahomet-Seymour Education Foundation.

Construction Table Assembly

Team Andracke enjoys a pasta party donated by Olive Garden. This is a reward for raising the most money in our FMP fubdraiser to benenfit Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Mock trial happening today in health class. The case is based on a trial concernng tobacco companies advertising to teenagers. Great way to learn dangers of tobacco use.

Congratulations to our musical cast! To see the entire list of the cast, visit:
Crew list coming soon!

Don't forget V Show this week! Tickets are just $5.00 and can be bought at the door or at www.mshsdrama.booktix.com

Don't forget V Show this week! Tickets are just $5.00 and can be bought at the door or at www.mshsdrama.booktix.com

Wrestling hosting Charleston, Lincoln, and Mt. Zion has been rescheduled for Friday January 19 6:00p start and it will be Senior Night

Girls Basketball @ Effingham has been rescheduled for tomorrow 1/13 Freshman at 10a Junior Varsity at 11:30a Varsity at 1p 7:45a bus time

All evening extra-curricular events are cancelled for Thursday January 11 2018 After-school practices will conclude no later than 5:30pm

Virtual Reality Fieldtrips in Ag!