COVID-19 Testing Consent Form

Consent Form:

Complete one for each person.  

If you have already completed the consent form, you do not need to do it again.

Drive Through Testing

If your student is in the Test to Stay program at any of our buildings, please plan to bring them through the JH Drive Through on your specified days. testing will begin at 6:45 am and end at 7:45 am each morning school is in session. The Junior High Drive Through is located at 201 W. State Street, the same location that was utilized last year. Please ENTER the Drive Through from Main Street, go past the soccer field, and stop at the first cafeteria door. When the test is complete, EXIT onto State Street. You do not need an appointment and can come any time between 6:45am and 7:45am.  If you do not hear back from us by phone within 20 minutes, your student may go to school as usual. If they ride a bus, we will test them as soon as they arrive at school.

If you have questions or need to report a positive case, contact your student's Health EOP

Middletown Prairie 

Office: 217-586-5833 

Health EOP: Madeline Goldman,


Lincoln Trail 

Office: 217-586-2811

Health EOP: Martha Turientine,


Jr High

Office: 217-586-4415

Health EOP: Tara Pawlak


High School

Office: 217-586-3358 

Health EOP: Emily Lacy